The last time I wrote here, I was juggling life in Luxembourg pretty well bar a few mainly administrative setbacks. Some things have changed since then: I finally have my residence certificate and a Luxembourgish bank account, and I gave my first ever guided tours in English and in French on Luxembourg’s Night at the Museum on a topic I know very little about, football. Despite the initial stress of not having a clue what I had to say until just 5 hours before the first tour, it was a fun and exciting new experience which allowed me to challenge myself in a new way and meet some cool people. Of course, since Luxembourg is tiny, I ran into two of the visitors on my tours yesterday, one on the train and the other in the National Archives- where I also ran into one of my professors!
Now to get around to what has changed the most since the last time of writing: my depression. Nothing bad happened since then- bar the discovery that I don’t have sufficient funds for the next month or two (cue mini panic attack). I still love Luxembourg more and more each day, I’m getting closer to my classmates and beginning to settle into the teaching style here, I’ve taken up yoga and salsa classes, I still have an amazing group of friends, and I’ve finally sorted out most of the annoying administrative stuff. And yet, my depression is worse than it has been in months. It just really hit me yesterday, possibly because that’s when I checked my bank balance (never a good idea), or possibly because the last couple of weeks it’s been getting colder and colder, and so that has triggered a kind of SAD (seasonal affective disorder) on top of my “normal” mental health issues. I don’t know. But I do know that I can won’t let my mind tell me I can’t do something or be whatever I want to be, and I certainly won’t let money issues get in the way of my dreams- I’m not sure how yet, but I will work it out, just like I always do. Winter is coming and this time, I’m going to be ready for it.
On the upside, I’m excited for Halloween, Christmas markets and seeing my cat (and family) again in the coming months!